To make your booking enquiry please complete the form below and one of our gorgeous team will contact you to confirm your requirements and email you a quote. If need any further assistance please call us on +44 (0)7748 905627 or email
Below are the terms and conditions for booking caddies through Eye Candy Caddies Ltd.
All clients should read carefully the following before booking an Eye Candy Caddy.
As required by department of employment regulations Eye Candy Caddies Ltd Booking Confirmation Form containing the terms of the booking must be agreed by the client.
In general booking fees cover the right to use one or more caddies for the date of the booking, in the United Kingdom only, for the initial permitted use as per our caddy packages.
Booking fees are charged by the day (4-8 Hours), or on some other basis, for example, a set fee for a corporate golf day and evening entertainment at the clubhouse. Extra hours or parts of half hours shall be paid at the half hourly rate (£60.00 per hour). The day booking is for a 4-8 hour period. Unless otherwise agreed the minimum booking is for 4 hours.
Overtime rates apply before 7am, after 8pm and on all bookings over 8 hours.
4(a) The overtime rate is one and a half times the normal hourly rate between 1800 hours and 2400 hours (£60.00 per hour).
4(b) Work on Bank Holidays is at double the normal rate unless agreed prior to booking.
4(c) If a Caddy works over the pre-booked times, the overtime worked between the hours of 0900 and 1800 hours will be charged at £60.00 per additional hour and invoiced accordingly.
Travel will be included within the booking charge but should your chosen caddies be required to travel outside a twenty five mile radius of their home then travel charges may apply. Travel charges are based on £0.40 per mile or as agreed prior to the booking and to be charged at the time of booking.
To be agreed at the time of the booking or before any additional usage. The agent reserves the right not to negotiate in relation to any additional usage other than that agreed at the time of the booking.
Invoicing will only occur when agreed prior to the booking by Managing Director. Should an Invoice be issued by the Managing Director then all invoice payments are required within 14 days of date of invoice. In all cases the person booking the caddy is the client who will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment, unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of booking. The agent reserves the right to invoice the 'ultimate client' [i.e. CEO's / Directors / Company Owners in question], for example this may be done if the client is booking on behalf of the ultimate client in which case the client and the ultimate client are jointly and severally liable to pay the invoice. All fees for usage are for the right to use a caddy for the booking and, once agreed, are payable whether or not the right is exercised. The agency reserves the right to alter payment terms if it deems appropriate prior to booking.
Provisional bookings will be automatically cancelled if they are not confirmed within one week of the proposed booking date or if a definite booking is offered and the provisional cannot be confirmed.
9(a) If a booking is cancelled within two working days of the starting time the full booking fee will be charged, unless the same caddy is re-booked by the same client within 24 hours in which case no repeat booking fee will be charged.
9(b) If a booking is cancelled outside the two day period but within one week of the starting time then half the booking fee will be charged.
9(c) Bookings of more than one day duration: if the booking is cancelled within a period equal to the length of the booking, then the full fee is charged. This is a reciprocal arrangement between caddy and client.
If a booking is 'Weather permitting' this must be made clear at the time of booking. At the first cancellation half the booking fee is charged unless the client fails to cancel in time to prevent the caddie's attendance, when the full booking fee is payable. At the second cancellation, the full fee is charged.
Clients are responsible for the caddies' meals on all bookings except for Eye Candy Caddies own events.
The client is responsible for the caddy's safety when the caddy is providing services in connection with the booking. The client is obliged to make sure that all other people engaged in connection with the booking and associated travelling are properly notified of the correct behaviour towards our caddies.
The client is responsible for the caddy's health and safety as if the caddy were an employee of the client. All caddies have signed a code of conduct agreement as per our website and by accepting these terms the client is also bound by our code of conduct. The client and associated guests must not have close personal contact with the caddie's under any circumstances.
Failure to comply with these rules will provoke an investigation of circumstances and the police authorities will be notified. Distasteful and improper behaviour or comments towards the caddie's will not be tolerated. Should the caddy feel threatened in any way he or she will leave the location immediately and notify the Eye Candy Caddies Headquarters. Any client and associated guests that breach any of these safety rules will be reported by Eye Candy Caddies Ltd to the police and other regulating authorities.
The agent is not responsible if the caddy fails to attend a booking. The client is advised to insure against any losses which might be suffered if the caddy does not keep a booking because of ill health or some other reason. Eye Candy Caddies will always endeavour to replace the booked caddy with another suitable replacement. Should this not be possible then Eye Candy Caddies will reimburse half of the booking fee when written notification from the client has been received.
All matters relating to the use of the caddy's image, any other services supplied by the caddy and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with the agent, Eye Candy Caddies Agency. If the client or any other person on their behalf or connected with them obtains the caddy's signature on any document or the caddy's purported verbal agreement to anything, that is not binding on the caddy or Eye Candy Caddies Ltd unless and until it is agreed in writing by the Managing Director.
These terms and conditions for booking and all matters connected with the booking are governed by English law and any dispute will be settled in accordance with that law either by a court in England or such other method as might be agreed at the time of the dispute. Where the context requires the singular includes the plural and he includes she.
Any cause for complaint should be reported when it arises and in writing. Complaints cannot be considered in retrospect.
As the supplier of services, these terms and conditions take precedence over any terms and conditions which may be received from the client even if those terms and conditions have a clause similar to this.
17(a) All fees are to be negotiated only with Eye Candy Caddies Ltd.
17(b) Photographs may not be used in any marketing or promotional materials for the client until it has been agreed by the Managing Director in writing and fees may occur in this instance.
17(c) Whilst every endeavour is made to provide satisfactory and efficient service to our clients, as the agent we cannot be held responsible for a caddy's conduct on any assignment. It is the clients responsibility to arrange insurance if indemnity is required against a caddie's inability to attend through sickness, license refusals or unforeseen circumstances. We reserve the right to negotiate within the structure of these terms and conditions.
© Eye Candy Caddies. All rights reserved.